Clayville, New York

Incorporated in 1887

Welcome to Clayville, New York

Historic Village Hall

Village Board

Mayor - Kevin Turley

Dep. Mayor - Greg Glinton

Trustee - Steve Messenger

Trustee - Keith Brennan

Trustee - Andrew Hartnett

Village Mayor

Kevin Turley

Office: 315-839-6222

Village Clerk-Treasurer

Rebecca King-Goodale

Office: 315-839-6222


Village Highway Department

Kevin Taylor

Office: 315-839-6222

Water System Operator

Kevin Taylor

Office: 315-839-6222

Codes Enforcement Officer

Gina LaMonte 

Office: 315-839-6222

Village Attorney

Kathryn Festine

@ Festine Law

Dog Control Officer

Russell Jones

Office: 315-737-7707



Results of the 2025 Election are as follows: Trustee for a 2 year term: Greg Glinton (28 votes) and Keith Brennan (21 votes) 

Please visit the Oneida County Board of Elections website for more information.


The Village of Clayville has issued a water conservation notice for residents who use the Village of Clayville water system. The notice will be in place from Friday March 7th, 2025 until further notice. This notice was issued because of low water levels in the reservoirs. Along with the notice, the village shared guidelines on how to save water. The guidelines include:

  • No watering of plants, bushes, trees, or other subjects grown for primarily aesthetic or decorative reasons.
  • No filling of swimming pools or other recreational uses.
  • Avoid washing automobiles, other vehicles, or inanimate objects.
  • Check faucets and pipes for leaks. Leaks waste water 24 hours a day, seven days a week and often can be repaired with an inexpensive washer.
  • Check your toilets for leaks. To test for leaks, add a small amount of food coloring to the toilet tank. If, without flushing, the color begins to appear in the bowl, you have a leak that should be repaired immediately.
  • Use your automatic dishwasher only for full loads.
  • Use your automatic washing machine only for full loads.
  • If you wash your dishes by hand, do not leave the water running for rinsing.
  • Keep bottles of drinking water in the refrigerator to keep them cool instead of running tap water.
  • Take shorter showers. Long showers use much more water than is needed.
  • Install water-saving showerheads or flow restrictors. Area hardware or plumbing supply stores stock inexpensive water-saving showerheads or restrictors that are easy to install.

Board Meetings

The Village of Clayville Board of Trustees has established that the monthly meetings be held at 6:00pm at the Clayville Clerk's Office (2505 Foundry Place) on the second Thursday of every month, unless otherwise posted.

*PLEASE NOTE* Individuals who wish to speak at any and all future board meetings will need to pre-register with the Village Clerk by phone (315-839-6222) or email ( Please pre-register at least (2) two days prior to the meeting, giving time to have an agenda created. Each public speaker will be allowed 3 minutes to state their topic of concern. Shouting, speaking out of turn or any other behavior deemed inappropriate will not be tolerated and will result in that individual being asked to leave the meeting immediately. 


Village elections will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 12:00pm - 9:00pm at the Clayville Fire Department. If you are a Village resident and are not registered to vote, please do so by calling the Oneida County Board of Elections at (315) 798-5765 BEFORE March 7, 2025. 


If you missed the Fall Dumpster Day, the Village will be having a Spring Dumpster Day. Please check back in April to see dates. 

Office Closed

The Clerk's Office and Highway Department will be closed on the following holidays: 

New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth (Floating Holiday), Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve (1/2 day) and Christmas Day. 

ZBA Meeting

The 2024 ZBA Meetings have been scheduled for April 17, 2025 and October 16, 2025

Village Water
There are no issues with Village water at this time.

                                                          LOCAL BUSINESSES

Lenny's Main St. Tavern
Phone: (315) 839-9900 / 
Hours: Tues-Sat, 2pm - Closing

Sauquoit Valley Friends & Neighbors
Hours of Operation are Wednesdays (9am - 12 noon) (6pm - 8pm) and Saturdays (9am to noon). For more information, please call Phyllis Aldinger at (315) 737-8073.

Historical Society
Closed for the Winter but open by appointment. Officers President/Historian Bonny Niles 315-737-8611 Vice-President Dorothy Stacy Secretary Barbara LaBarge Treasurer Pat Williams Board of Trustees Polly Blunk Anne Jasek Barbara LaBarge Bonny Niles Elmer Niles Pat Williams Dorothy Stacy

Clayville Library
2265 Oneida Street, Clayville, NY 13322
(315) 839-5893
Monday: 6-8pm
Tuesday & Friday: 1-6 pm
Wednesday: 10-6 pm
Thursday: 3-7 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed